Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Moving Forward

I last posted on Sunday and since that time have been very busy. Most of Monday was spent doing work around the apartment complex. Besides dealing with the usual tenat problems, I arranged with a woman in the neighborhood to come and cut up the two trees that fell in last week's storms. If I'd waited for my boss to come down with his chainsaw, it would be next week or sometime in the next millenium. I already waited a week for him--hmmmm! Then it was dealing with the results of the state inspection from June and answering questions for the big boss. Finally, I was able to get away and head for Ben's to share in his birthday. I had hoped to be there waiting when he got home from work, but that didn't happen. I got there and we went out to dinner before he had to head out for a rehearsal. When he got home, we celebrated his birthday in "style" and turned in for a night's sleep. Today I had an appointment to see about a temp job in Ben's town. I arrived early and was doing well until I discovered that my wallet was in the pants I took off last night. So I made a mad dash to the house, got the wallet, and headed back -- arriving 5 minutes late (I called them to say I was running late). Everything went well and there is a strong possibility that it will become a reality. Then it was home and back to the grind. That's all for this post. Have a great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nick, I'm really hoping that job comes through. Just the way you write about Ben makes me know that it would be so great to be together all the time!