Another weekend is winding down and I am both exhilerated and exhausted. Ben arrived Friday evening after work and we had a quiet night at home. Saturday dawned cool but beautiful. We headed out starting with a tour of the annual
Red Flannel Day celebration in Cedar Springs. The trip included breakfast, craft fair, street vendors and more. After we finished that tour, we did some shopping, and then headed out to enjoy the beautiful day. As usual, Ben headed out, not sure where we were going. We headed toward Lake Michigan and ended up in Hoffmaster State Park right on the lake. We headed into the park and moved toward the dune climb. Now, I had no idea how far we would climb, but part of the climb is pictured above. Once we went up the ramp and down the wooded pathway, we came to what I affectionately call "the killer stairs". There are 168 steps up to an observation deck overlooking the lake from 775 feet above sea level. The other picture above is taken from the deck and is just a hint of the beautiful colors we saw during the day. After we came back down (again 168 steps), we went by to visit Ben's good friends -- it's kind of neat meeting folks important to him and introducing him to people I know -- makes a real couple out of us eh? The it was off to lunch to celebrate his birthday (TOMORROW!!--drop a note)and finally back home for some much needed rest. Much of today was church related stuff and then home for some rest and together time before he headed home to get ready for tomorrow's workday. On another good note, i have a job interview Tuesday that if it happens will allow Ben and I to be together all the time --send us good thoughts. That's all to report today; hug someone and tell 'em you love 'em -- and mean it!!
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