Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Wonderful Weekend

Ben arrived on Friday afternoon and we went to meet friends for dinner and then on to a reception for our statewide GLBT organization. Saturday morning we headed out to tour the local Harvest Festival (That took less than an hour and was, at best, disappointing). We got in the mood for craft fairs and tracked one down in a neighboring community so off we went. The accompanying picture was taken in the play yard of the daycare center next door to the festival site. After seeing the eyes on this creature I vowed that no child of mine would ever be enrolled there--it was just too creepy. From there we took a "Ben tour" -- we found towns and roads that I never knew existed. We did find one "seasonal road" that dead ended in some woods. Now, use your imagination -- two people in love at the end of a country road in the woods on a nice fall day--and I need say no more. Actually, we were seeking out a nice park for one of our fun cookouts -- signs pointing to parks didn't seem to lead anywhere and eventually we made our way back to Paris and dined on steak and sweet corn in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. How romantic -- seems we will always have Paris. We came home and got some rest and then headed back down to the festival for the parade of emergency vehicles. There were fire trucks from lots of nearby small communities. We left before they made their second pass down main street -- this time with full sirens. We heard them blocks away and were thrankful that we still had our hearing. Today it was church and a restful afternoon. Ben is about to head home for a another busy week. This is where I should insert the sad face, but the weekend with him was so wonderful I can bask in its glow for the next several days. I am a very happy and blessed individual and wish the same for you and yours. Hug that special someone and be blessed!!

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