Monday, September 25, 2006

Don't Have Time for Lazy

Here we are on Monday which is usually a lazy day for me. Today seems to be no exception. I have managed to send Ben on his way home, done a couple loads of laundry, checked email, and played a few computer games. I really don't have time to be lazy today. Tomorrow I have a job interview (PRAY FOR ME) and a meeting at church -- that will blow most of tomorrow, and Wednesday late morning L leave town for the rest of the week for a church conference. It will be nice to see old friends whom I haven't seen in a couple of years, and the conference itself will be uplifting. I will stop by Ben's on the way there and the way back, but no overnights this time. He is babysitting the dog for me -- ain't love grand? By the time I get back I expect that the cats and dog will either be getting along or Ben will be going nutzo. Any bets? Anyhow I think I will give the lawn a quick once over tomrrow morning and run the vac and do paperwork on Wednesday morning. I wonder when I will pack -- probably the last hour before leaving Wednesday. It was wonderful to have Ben here last night. He keeps telling me how lucky he is to have me in his life, but I tell him that I am the lucky one. God has brought me the kindest, gentlest, smartest,--well I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that Ben is as good as it gets in this life. Now if the job markets would cooperate, we could save a bundle on gasoline and spend more time together -- really together. Ah well, it will happen in God's time. That's all for now -- hug someone.

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