Good Morning on this first day of 2007. My most exciting news is that my move to Ben's is almost complete. We have made a number of trips with truck and car and there's not much left to move. It never ceases to amaze me just how much STUFF one can accumulate. And there's a bunch of stuff that doesn't seem to fit in any particular category. I once had an uncle who said that when one moves, one should never mark a box "Miscellaneous." But everyone has stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else, and since he's not moving me, my boxes are all miscellaneous. HA HA. Makes unpacking them much more fun.
I was so pleasantly surprised today when I turned on TODAY and everyone was referring to 2007 and no one has said "two thousand AND seven". Maybe they are finally catching on to good grammar. HOORAY!
Today will be yet another trip to the old homestead for another load -- not much left but we need the truck and Ben is working long hours tomorrow so today is the day. Pray for good weather. The folks at the apartment complex had a going away party for me yesterday -- guess that means I really have to go now. As if I would change my mind -- yeah! right!
Let me take this opportunity to wish each of you a blessed and happy 2007. May each of your dreams and hopes become reality this year. That's all for now -- God bless.
Our best wishes for a happy new year.
Glad the move is proceeding well. Moving can be a pain. It was also nice to see the folks gave you a party!
HNY to you and Ben!
I am glad no one has killed each other.
May 2007 be a good one for the both of you.
Although now that you are living together, be careful; it could lead to social dancing.
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