Well, the job continues to unfold (or is that unravel?). We finished training for the call center the other day and spent most of the past three days sitting on our asses doing almost nothing. Each of those days we would do a couple of "practice" calls and today we began "live testing" calls. I was on the phone today with my computer connected to a web meeting being observed by at least 17 people. Additionally, I had four of my co-workers looking over my shoulder. I survived the call, but made a few fixable boo boos. Today's calls were with the ATT support folks and our own company people. Tomorrow's tests calls will be with the actual client company. They won't be observing our input, but only taking part in the call and seeing the finished tickets. That should be a bit better. And after the test calls for this project, they are putting us on the regular help desk for the rest of the week (this is the job that I was told, "Don't worry, you won't be doing this). This is the computer help desk (I wonder if we should call it the HELL desk instead). At least beginning next week we will focus again on the new project and be working day shift Monday through Friday. YAY. Pray for me tomorrow and for the poor fools who call me for correct answers to their computer problems. Boy, are they in for it.
Ah ha! So YOU'RE the one I talk to! :)
Just one question.
How did you perfect that Pakistani accent so well?
ah well, we all have to start somewhere.
it reminds me of the first time working in a clinic as having to see a real patient as a real doctor!
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