Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Back Again

Well, gang, it's been over a week since I posted here. That was due, in part, to work schedule and lack of brilliant thought processes. By now a lot of you have read Ben's posts about his temp job assignment ending abruptly. I am working in the same company -- different area -- and I can tell you that there were shcok waves yesterday as the "This person is no longer employed here...." emails kept pouring out. There were probably 25 such messages within an hour. It was almost oppresive. The management could stand some management training -- the system is more punitive and threatening than incentive based and affirming. Everything is a crisis or an exception to the "rules." Today I heard two women in my area in what sounded like an argument between six year olds. It seems that one commented on the other's work and the battle was on. The bellyaching went on for about twenty minutes. How embarrassing it must have been for them. Enough about work.

Over the weekend we went to celebrate my mother's 84th birthday. It was wonderful to see her on the road to recovery. When we were there at Christmas, I wasn't sure how long she would hang on or how her mind would bounce back from her recent hospital stay. She was much more like her old self and that helped make it a great day.

Sunday morning started out with me heading out to go to church. As I stepped down the steps of the deck, I slipped on the ice and landed on my butt. I put a scratch on my head and ripped a big tear in my new winter coat. But I pressed on and wen to church. By the time I got home from that, coupled with the long day Saturday, the weekend was kaput.

Tonight we are waiting for the predicted winter storm to deliver its punch. There are predicitions of 2-4 inches of snow, or of 10-12 inches depending on who you listen to. The management at work put out an email yesterday advising us all to allow extra commute time during and after the storm -- well DUH! Do they think we are total idiots?

Anyway, that's what happening in my wild and crazy life. Hopefully, I will be posting again soon. Have a great day and a Happy Valentines Day. Tell someone you love them.


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and Ben!

Ur-spo said...

it is good to be back/reading you again; despite the bad news bits.
hang in here; send some snow my way please.