Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hello all; miss me?

When I looked at how long it's been since I last posted, I was almost embarrassed to come back. Between a serious facebook addiction, moving, job, and church, things have been a bit hectic. I've missed you all. Our move is nearly completed -- we have about one and a half more carloads and then final clean up to finish up. Then, of course, there's the joy of unpacking it and finding places for everything. It amazes me how quickly the space fills up. We are settling in nicely, however, and look forward to staying here for a while. I am so sick of moving. This is my fifth move since moving back to Michigan in 2004. Doing the math, that works out to about one a year. TOO MUCH. I am so sick of seeing cardboard boxes!!!. My time at the church is winding down -- two more months and I'm done. The turnaround in the congregation's involvement and attitude over the past six months is amazing -- almost makes me want to stay to see where it leads. But I won't and I cannot according to contract. They will now need to step up and move forward into the next chapter of their life as I do so in mine. I did have the opportunity to go to Ben's church with him today and meet a bunch of his folks. At work I am back in training for a desk that will be doing the work that I did when I was there nearly two years ago--the work that went to Malaysia is now coming back to the good old USA -now if only our primary client (a large US automaker) stays in business! Spring seems to be coming finally. We've had some hot weather already and oh the spring rainstorms!! I think I saw a big boat full of animals go past the window last night. All in all, things are good. We are happy and looking forward to making this place into a home we can enjoy together for a good long time. We shall see.


Ur-spo said...

ah there you are!
I was wondering when you would return
Ohoh you were down the rabbit hole called facebook!

Lemuel said...

I am happy to read your update. I too hope you folks can settle into your home and stay a while. Moving is so stressful!