Now, on to the neighbor. This is the one that Ben told you about a while back who wondered if we had fornicating pachyderms (look up the words if you can't figure it out)in our apartment. Last night, about 11:10 PM, right after we hit the bed, there came a knock at the door. I grabbed a robe and answered the door -- maybe I should have skipped the robe and shocked the snot out of him. There was the infamous downstairs neighbor complaining that it sounded like a herd of elephants (no expletives this time -- maybe fatherhood has cleaned up his potty mouth) and that our "stomping around" woke up the baby three times. Now -- here's the odd thing. Until 20 minutes before his knock, I was home alone watching TV. The most "stomping around" I did was to walk from the living room to the bathroom or kitchen and I didn't stomp. Perhaps the 9 pound poodle or the fat cats were having a dance in the bedroom. Who knows? Perhaps the reality is that the guy is a jerk whose life is so empty that all he can find to do is complain. If he would find a job, perhaps he would settle down. When he said that if it continued he would call the cops, I told him to go right ahead. Can you imagine? "Hello! Police department."; "Um, hi, I want to report my neighbors making a lot of noise."; "What kind of noise?"; "They are stomping around like elephants." Possibly after the laughter in the station house dies down, the police will either tell him to get a life, or they will come and ask about it. We would tell the truth and the downstairs guy would look like an idiot -- which would be appropriate since that is what he appears to be. We have been in touch with the office once again, and we are documenting all this crap. If it continues, the complex WILL have to do something -- either move us or kick his sorry butt out. Stay tuned for more.
Hope you all have a good day. Send happy thoughts our way as we continue to bask in the warm glow of new love. Honey, i love you a bunch. Y'all hug on someone.
Too bad you had to put up with him on the night before your anniversary. Wishing you a happy anniversary despite him!
i am glad you two have each other
happy anniversary and may there be many many more.
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