Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Life at a Higher Altitude

That title means that things today are really up in the air. Ben has his appointment with the ECUSA bishop this afternoon, I had a call about a possible temp job starting after the first of the year (I won't know much more until either next week or Jan.2), and I got a call last night that Mom is facing surgery -- probably tomorrow. The temp job will allow me to move to Ben's and help keep the wolves from his door and is expected to last until at least the end of March. Hopefully by that time, Ben will have secured a position in ministry somewhere and life will take another turn. Mother's surgery is not life threatening (unless of course something goes wrong -- the medical loophole they always give). She is in her 80's, has had multiple bypasses, and is allergic to skads of stuff. SO--I will find out later today what the scoop is and if I make the trip across the state to be there. I am sitting on pins and needles for that call and for Ben's call about his meeting with the Bishop. All this and Christmas looms large on the horizon -- oh joy. I remember several months ago posting a "Merry Go Round" post about life and how it seemed to be spinning out of control then. Here we go again -- I wish this plane would come in for a landing somewhere. Anyhow, those three things -- Ben, job, and Mom -- are my primary focus today. Send prayers and warm thoughts for all of them PLEASE. Thanks all for letting me share. God bless.


Anonymous said...

Those prayers have long since been on their way to Ben and to you!




Ur-spo said...

I'll email the saints and get them intervening in no time.